

The hero had a dream
He lived in distant fields
No armor, no sword
Parents by his side, family healthy
No bustling city, no magic
Friends calling, gathering in groups
No dreams, no faraway places
Every day was laborious, hard and plain
No monsters, no evil dragons
A warm home and a gentle her
Someone asked, what is happiness?
He said, as soon as the bell rings, you know who the letter is from
It must be her

The hero woke up in the twilight cave
Feeling confused about the life in his dream
Clearly it was peaceful and harmonious happiness
Yet it made one feel filled with despair
How much colorful prayer has been buried
By the monotonous and boring routine
In front of him were tall trees and rugged roads
Unrecognizable directions, unspeakable bitterness
The sun rises and sets, over and over
Endlessly, always the same lost path
Someone asked, what is loneliness?
He said, as soon as the bell rings, you know who the letter is from
Only her

He returned to the place without dreams
But suddenly couldn’t tell where the dream was

At that time
He met a passing priest, things started from there
He threw away his old magic book to seek more treasures
He began to think the journey might not be a solo one
The dangers and torments he faced before were his own trials
With the priest’s healing and blessings, everything became easier

There are no unexpected surprises in the world
Maybe it’s not just a game
But ultimately, it’s just a passerby
The mutual support in the short time together
Is enough to piece together future memories
When time flows to a point where it can’t stop
He can still write an unmonotonous history

Many times he wanted to give up
But whenever he turned to leave
He saw her expression
It’s the feeling he couldn’t let go

This is a game that can’t be broken
Once trapped in it, you lose completely

At this moment
The town is not peaceful inside and out
The distant country is ravaged by war
The residents within the walls are like puppets
The walking dead can still unite against the enemy
Better than the wine sacks and rice bags trapped in their own cocoons
Demons from hell hold up signs
Randomly altering the imagined kingdom
Destroying the established order and mindset

He couldn’t change anything
He wasn’t the only hero
Nor the only failure
No extraordinary talent
No divine prophecy from the heavens
Just an unsurprising play

The play is still on
The stage hasn’t scattered
The audience is still watching