

Things You Must Do in Life

Explore your possibilities, explore the boundaries of your abilities. This is something worth striving for.

The truths of life summarized by those in high positions and those far removed from society are similar.

Who is superior to whom, who is more elegant than whom.

Human beings have not evolved in thousands of years, human nature has not changed, instincts have not changed, desires have not changed, stories have not changed, endings have not changed.

It is narrow-minded to view humanity through the lens of technology, and the computer technology that has only existed for less than a hundred years is also narrow-minded.

There are no surprises in the world because there is nothing new under the sun.

New things happen often because, for individuals, every day is brand new.


The value of words is not measured by length.

The value of literature will not disappear over time.

A few lines of poetry can be passed down for centuries, recited through the ages.

Lu Xun left both long and short works.

Jay Chou’s songs and Michael Wong’s “First Time,” along with their music videos, are stories that will always move people.

The thoughts on life and philosophy in the Bible have traversed millennia.

There are few bright spots in history, but each one is astonishing.

Many, many more.

Natural Laws

The behavior of living beings conforms to natural laws.

It takes 10 months for two cells to replicate and differentiate into a human being.

The brain receives information, and brain cells form specific structures, which also requires process and time.

No matter what kind of doctor, professor, genius.

So the question changes from “What should I do” to “What can I do at this stage.”

The scope suddenly becomes smaller.


On the second night of the Lunar New Year, at one o’clock in the morning, after the screening of “Hi, Mom.”

I walked on the street and saw people sleeping on benches by the roadside. Whose children are they, whose parents are they, whose relatives are they, whose friends are they?

What do I have more than them, where are they lacking compared to me? Where do they come from, where are they going, why do they persist in living?

Where do I come from, where am I going, why do I want to live?

Are they happy to be alive, are they filled with hope for life, does anyone care about them, do they have a chance and hope for the future?

Could I not fall into such a state?

Even though it’s so close.

The Bustling World

At first, I joined some group chats.

Later, I got excited and created my own community.

At first, the group was joined by the rich second generation. They casually sent out red envelopes of 88 yuan each.

Everyone followed eagerly.

Later, the rich second generation left, and everyone tried their best to retain them, vying to reminisce.

The world is bustling, the world is bustling.

At first, everyone felt fresh and happy.

Later, there were no new channels, no new people.

I felt tired because of it.

Many people came, many people left.

I felt uneasy because of it.

Everyone called me the group owner.

I didn’t dare to send messages casually, didn’t dare to spam, afraid of saying something wrong, afraid of accidentally saying something that others didn’t like, afraid of people leaving.

I didn’t dare to casually cue people, worrying about being mistaken for using my identity for personal gain.

As the group owner, there were always people watching.

Thanks to the “group owner” title, I was known by many.

I seriously transferred the “group owner” role to someone else.

What a relief.