Why I Want to "Travel Thousands of Miles"


WeChat Moments

First of all, this is not a correct idea; it’s typical to decide what to think based on what you do, rather than doing what you think.

I have posted some photos of scenic spots on my Moments, and this will continue for about a year. If we count three scenic spots per month, that’s about 30 spots in a year. The more well-known and free spots in Beijing are roughly covered by then. These spots are gathered from the internet, recommended by netizens. When my income increases after a year, I will consider visiting places with an entrance fee (¥19.9 or more).

During a certain transitional period, my worldview began to crumble and needed rebuilding. In fact, there are many “views” besides worldview, values, and outlook on life, such as career view, marriage view, dietary view, travel view, and gaming view. I want to meet more people and see more things. See top domestic architecture and the landscapes that attract tens of thousands of people. Think about why people come here and with what kind of mood they leave. I still remember the volunteer team I saw at the Taiyuan City Library, all of whom were not young workers. Although they wore uniforms, it was clear where they came from and what their jobs were, because they were familiar figures, at a loss in the spacious and bright hall. If you’ve lived in the countryside, you would understand. I also remember the devout worshippers in the temple, burning incense, bowing, making wishes, and donating money, making me ponder the power of religious beliefs, because I wanted to make a wish but found I had none. I also noticed that foreign uncles really do nod and smile when they see you.

I once posted some opinionated content on QQ Space, not knowing its good or bad impacts, and not really caring. On one hand, I no longer want to maintain QQ Space content, and on the other, I agree with the view that “humility is not a virtue,” so some content may lack humility but is truthful :p

As a post-90s individual who received higher education, I believe we should have and tolerate, even embrace, new, strange, and unconventional ideas. We are just independent, tiny individuals who might encounter accidents in the next second or behave in ways that others see as odd, or maybe we are already considered odd by others. A few hundred years ago, a flea or a drop of water could spread plague, every slave on a trade ship might carry deadly bacteria. People knew nothing about such diseases, seeking help from monks and doctors, taking cold baths, applying tar, or crushing beetles onto wounds, to no avail. Diseases spread from individuals to entire families and cities, with thousands of corpses rotting in the streets. People attributed the cause to angry gods or demons, hoping for salvation from angels or fairies. Governments, powerless against diseases, could only organize mass prayers and parades. The dead and the survivors were all independent thinkers like us.

WeChat friends are different from QQ friends. I have thought about whether my Moments content is very low, hesitating between vanity and reality. Clearly, I have chosen the latter, and the content here will be shared on Moments as an external link for the first time.


My blog has been established and destroyed many times. The last data is still backed up, but the host was blocked due to VPN usage. I always wanted to write something worthwhile, but later realized it’s too difficult to write something that one wouldn’t regret, like seeing old QQ Space posts that make you blush and want to delete immediately. Some boring but still wanted-to-write stuff, like “Running XXX on XX Platform” or “Hello World-level demos of XX Framework/Tool,” will be posted on another platform, Yuque.

The blog theme is modeled after Yin Wang’s blog Of Course I’m Bullshitting. I mentioned my admiration for Yin Wang in Born Human, Yet Long to Become a God?, not only for his high academic accomplishments but also for his unique and insightful views on many things. He is truly a person with independent thinking abilities, which is a precious quality I strive for.

Starting from Beijing, Beijing, it seems like there’s a lot of non-technical content without clear opinions. At that time, the concept of living alone was frequently mentioned. Living alone doesn’t mean loneliness but rather an opportunity to become whatever you want and do whatever you want. Technical issues will be re-evaluated along with other problems. Does the quality of technical skills depend on whether you’ve used React or Spring Cloud? Absolutely not. So, what does it depend on?

If you focus solely on technology now, it’s like the year before graduation when you could surely improve technically, but you would have no time or mood for other things. Just like if I had understood other things back then instead of only focusing on technical studies, some things could have been handled better, but then I wouldn’t have surpassed my classmates in technical skills. I might still be attending job fairs during this internet winter. You can’t have both; different choices lead to different lives, which is the theme I wanted to explore in If You Could Start Over, How Would You Live?, though I didn’t elaborate. So, what to choose now?


This is my blog, the website is www.smallyu.net, where I will update content irrelevant to anyone (if you think it’s relevant to you, please block me). “smallyu” can be understood as a mix of Chinese and English or as a proper noun, lowercase in the domain name, hence the English spelling “smallyu.” Other articles do not have a link back to the homepage, but this time you can click here Return to Homepage.